Young Researchers Forum: Young Scientist Awards for Mech Aero 2020

Fred Barez


Lexis conferences invites the participants from all over the globe to take part in “8th International conference and exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace” during September 18-19, 2020 at San Francisco, USA. The conference focuses on the theme: “Modern practices in Mechanical Aerospace Engineering”. Scientific sessions designed for this conference will assist the attendees and participants to learn extremes. Mech Aero 2020 aims to bring together the pioneers in both basic and translational Aerospace research and cover the research studies, fundamentals of aerospace and the space technology, Fluid mechanics, Aerodynamics, Robotics and Mechatronics, Material processing, Space engineering, Energy processing, Industrial Engineering, Applied mechanics and Space communication. Nanotech Forum 2020 Conference brings you an immense opportunity to be a part of scientific acceleration to Aerodspace Organizations, Space researchers, Educational institutes, Mechanical Researchers, Translational materialists, Practicing materialists in training, world class personalities, young scholars, scientific delegates and young scientists to join in this forum to utilize the expertise and novelties that brings a new era for revolutions in the field of Mechanical and Aerospace which brings well versed scrutinizers at one place. It provides a platform to have open discussions, knowledge sharing and interactive sessions with field experts at Mech Aero 2020.

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