What are the Barriers to Increase Breast Cancer

Aditya Bharath


KbũĞcƟǀĞ͗ In India, the screening rate for breast cancer is ƐŝŐnŝĮcĂnƚůy lower than other countries such as the USA or UK or Australia, leading to more than 68% of breast cancers being detected at stage 3A or later. This paper analyses the reasons for said screening rate being rĞůĂƟvĞůy low. Methods: 6 previous papers wrŝƩĞn on screening barriers to breast cancer were inspected and analysed. A study was conducted by sending it on online forums to a random sample of residents of India. The respondents were female. Their responses are tabulated below: ŚƩƉƐ͗ͬͬĚŽcƐ͘ŐŽŽŐůĞ͘cŽmͬƐƉrĞĂĚƐŚĞĞƚƐͬĚͬĞͬ 2WyͲ1vQxrcb<7Ƶc<Ͳ nũũŬͺ6ƉƐ8hycƉ'Ă52Å©mR:8qrx,9ŽqEw^njWƐŬW3ƚĞƐƉ^y5vVƐR ĨyŬŽŝnRŬ:ŽƚKͬƉƵb͍ŐŝĚс781555099ΘƐŝnŐůĞсƚrƵĞΘŽƵƚƉƵƚсƉĚĨ Results: The majority of the women surveyed felt that screening was not necessary and hence did not undergo breast cancer screening; however, women surveyed also felt that they were afraid of being diagnosed with breast cancer, screening seemed too expensive an ŽƉƟŽn͕ screening procedures were too expensive, and that they were afraid of the rĂĚŝĂƟŽn Conclusion: Having ŝĚĞnƟĮĞĚ a few of the mƵůƟƉůĞ barriers to breast cancer screening in the Delhi NCR region, a scalable model for a ƉŽƉƵůĂƟŽn level organised screening project must be devised which may overcome maximum number of these barriers in the interest of ŝncrĞmĞnƟnŐ the screening rate, and hence survival rate for breast cancer in India

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