Weed control in dry bean with Pendimethalin plus reduced rates of Imazethapyr

Nader Soltani1 *, Robert E. N


A total of six field trials were conducted over a three-year period (2008 to 2010) to evaluate various preplant incorporated (PPI) herbicides in white bean in Ontario, Canada. There was minimal visible injury or effect on seed moisture content of white bean with the herbicides evaluated. The control of AMARE, AMBEL, CHEAL, and ECHCG were as much as 76, 62, 45, and 58% with pendimethalin; 98, 78, 81, and 74% with imazethapyr at 15 g ai ha-1 ; 99, 90, 94, and 90% with imazethapyr at 30 g ai ha1 ; 99, 97, 90, and 91% with imazethapyr at 45 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 90, 99, and 95% with imazethapyr at 60 g ai ha-1 ; 99, 99, 99, and 96% with imazethapyr at 75 g ai ha-1 ; 99, 92, 83, and 84% with pendimethalin plus imazethapyr at 1080+15 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 100, 97, 97% with pendimethalin plus imazethapyr at 1080+30 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 98, 96, and 94% with pendimethalin plus imazethapyr at 1080+45 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 98, 99, and 98% with pendimethalin plus imazethapyr at 1080+60 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 99, 98, and 98% with pendimethalin plus imazethapyr at 1080+75 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 97, 99, and 99% with trifluralin plus imazethapyr at 600+45 g ai ha-1 ; 100, 100, 100, and 99% with EPTC plus imazethapyr at 3400+45 g ai ha-1 ; and 99, 99, 99, and 99% with s-metolachlor plus trifluralin plus imazethapyr at 525+300+37.5 g ai ha-1 , respectively. Above ground weed biomass reduction was similar to weed control. Weed interference reduced white bean yield 6-82% with pendimethalin, imazethapyr, pendimethalin plus imazethapyr (15 g ai ha-1 ), trifluralin plus imazethapyr, EPTC plus imazethapyr, and s-metolachlor plus trifluralin plus imazethapyr. In contrast, there was no yield loss in white bean due to weed interference with pendimethalin at 1080 g ai ha-1 plus imazethapyr at 30, 45, 60, or 75 g ai ha-1 . Therefore, pendimethalin at 1080 g ai ha-1 plus imazethapyr at 30, 45, 60, or 75 g ai ha-1 applied PPI has the potential for broad spectrum weed control in white bean in Ontario.

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