Review Article
Cervantes-Sánchez P, Delgad
Violence against pregnant is a problem that occurs in all social strata, bringing both very serious physical, psychological and social for maternal-fetal binomial consequences. This phenomenon has been described worldwide in recent days between 1% and 70%; These women say they have been abused physically, sexually or psychologically. This is most prevalent in developing countries such as Nicaragua has documented prevalence above 40%. America reports that this issue represents 20% of crimes in their country, reporting prevalence during pregnancy between 1% to 20% depending on how it is evaluated. Similarly studies reported in Canada, Spain, Ukraine, Rwanda reported a prevalence of approximately 30%. In reviewing, the causes of domestic violence are: Family dysfunction, physical functional sequelae and alterations in behavior, among others, there are significant gaps between the affected and the treating institutions such as the cost of care, psychological as guilt, shame and fear; social and stigmatization, culminating this as an obstacle to timely and adequate care of this phenomenon.