Short Communication
Mariela Carolina Santos Carbal
Introduction: Handbooks elaboration and validation have been important as far as the concept of evidence based medicine is consolidated, allowing protocols or guidelines creation. Objective: Elaborate and validate the handbook “Endocrinology for Primary Care Physicians”. Method: The handbook was developed in eight chapters (pre-diabetes, diabetes, gestational diabetes, dyslipidaemias, thyroid nodules, hypo and hyperthyroidism, climacteric and menopause, overweight and obesity) based on International and current guidelines. The chapters dealt with the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and referral of each disease and had their technical content reviewed by experts in endocrinology and with experience in medical education. The handbook was validated by the Likert scale method, regarding the scientific adequacy of the content, as well as method-pedagogical adequacy. Results: The handbook was validated with 98% of scientific adequacy and 96% of method-pedagogical adequacy. Conclusion: The handbook “Endocrinology for Primary Care Physicians” was elaborated and validated with an average of 97% of scientific and methodological-pedagogical adequacies.