King Shimumbo Nalubamba
Unusual Presentation of Extra-Genital Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor in an Adult Cross- Breed Dog – Palatine and Rectal Lesions without Primary Genital Lesions Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a tumor that occurs commonly in young, sexually active, free-roaming dog populations in developing countries. It commonly affects the external genitalia in both male and female dogs and rarely metastasises. This case report documents an unusual presentation of concurrent oral-palantine and rectal CTVT in an adult male dog with no primary genital lesions. Diagnosis of the CTVT was confirmed by cytological examination of fine needle aspirate smears that revealed CTVT cells that were classified as mixed, based on cytomorphological characteristics. This case report documents concurrent CTVT lesion in two unusual locations. A successful case outcome leading to complete regression of both extra-genital CTVT lesions, without relapse one year after chemotherapy with vincristine sulphate is also recorded.