Understanding the right to health and food for the persons affected by Type 2 diabetes

Short Communication

Marianella Herrera


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease with an onset that can be prevented or delayed by implementing actions related to lifestyle. The rights to food and health are fundamentals human rights expressed on the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights of the United Nations (ICESCR). Both rights advocate for people to live in optimal conditions, however gaps in opportunities to health care access, availability or access to healthy foods and adequate housing to live a life with dignity are obstacles for achieving the expression of these rights. This talk aims to discuss and bring to the table the fact that persons affected by diabetes type 2 have the right to enjoy the best quality of life possible, and what are the most influential factors for the achieving of these rights. Social determinants of health and ethics and policies will be discussed, in a concise manner to introduce care givers, health care practitioners and community leaders related to health on what is important outside of health care system, and what is needed to be taken into account when addressing and taking care of type 2 diabetic patients. The elevated economic and psychological costs of suffering this disease, and the less costly prevention implying lifestyle changes, justify to make an effort to prevent the onset and complications of those at risk, by understanding the human rights of these patients and the policies to be implemented to achieve this goal.

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