Type 2 Diabetes Melittus – A Pathology on the Rise How do we Monitor it?

Sur Genel, Floca Emanuela, Sur


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease widespread in the world. Currently it is believed that there are over 500 million diabetics in the world and their number increases every year. This increase is primarily due to unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and stress. In an OMS report stated that ‘’individuals live dangerously’’, this for failure to comply of the minimum precepts regarding lifestyle. Correct monitoring of the diabetic patient for preventing complications is an important aspect in the disease evolution. Methods that allow an accurate monitoring of diabetes include glycosylated hemoglobin, self-monitoring of blood glucose and continuous glucose monitoring with a system that measures interstitial glucose concentration. It is considered that the determination of glycosylated hemoglobin is the gold standard in monitoring diabetic patients, but the other two methods provide complementary information.

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