Two Egyptian Bacillus thuringiensis isolates from soil and their potential activity against Tuta absoluta infestation under laboratory and field condition

Research Article

Sabbour M. M. and Nayera Y. So


The effect of two Egyptian isolated bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis HD-120 and B.t HD- 187 were tested Under laboratory, semi field and field conditions. Under laboratory conditions the LC50s obtained 105 and 91 Ug/ ml after treated with Bacillus thuringiensis HD-120 and HD-187 respectively. The potency of the two bacterial strains recorded, 18438.09 and 21274.72IU/ mg respectively. When the tomato plant treated with both HD-120 and HD- 187 B. t, HD-120 and HD-187 the LC50 obtained 133 and 101 Ug/ml The potency of the two bacterial strains recorded, 22736.824 and 29940.594 IU/ mg respectively. Data the fields show that the weight of tomatoes significantly increased to 19.99±12.7 and 13.93±13.1ton/feddan when treated with B.t HD-120 and HD-187 respectively in El- Sharkia and El- Dakahlia as compared to 17.11±10.6 and 8.92±18.6 ton/feddan in the control. When the tomatoes treated with the isolate B.t, HD-187 the weight of tomatoes recorded 18.18±10.6 and 12.57±16.6 ton/feddan in the two corresponding areas.

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