Treatment of Industrial Waste by Non-Thermal Technique – A Case Study

S Virapan, R Saravanane and V


Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) of industrial wastewaters has become the order of the day in the war against pollution of and resurrection of contaminated environment. The reverse osmosis (RO) has come to stay as the technology of choice in recovering the water as a useable resource in ZLD practice. But the fact remains that the rejects of the RO process are typically concentrated in their dissolved solids (TDS) and its ingress into the environment endangers the aquatic sources almost irretrievably in terms of sustainable practices and costs of operation. This paper demonstrates the sustainability and viability of nature based net evaporator systems two identified wastewater streams one for textile spent dye bath with salt concentration at about 1.5 times of seawater and the other for RO rejects from a textile common effluent treatment plant (CETP). The study validates a design for these newer systems by a scientific application of the three phase mass transfer in natural falling film wetted surfaces and minimizes electrical energy.

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