Transfer of knowledge on an educational programme to stop smoking

Annual Meeting Abstract

Adelaida Lozano-Polo; Pedro Si


Adelaida Lozano-Polo1; Pedro Simon Cayuela-Fuentes1; Josep Sánchez-Monfort1; José Luis Merino-Castillo1; Ana Fátima Navarro-Oliver1 1University of Murcia, Spain   Abstract Introduction: The GRUPALTAB-SEAPREMUR research project aims to assess the effectiveness of two group interventions to quit smoking. To carry out the Project, blended training was organized for clinical nursing professionals: course "Helping the group to stop smoking". Aim: To analyze the transfer of knowledge of the GRUPALTAB-SEAPREMUR Project training programme. Methodology: Nursing educational training, involving 2.6 credits, including a 12-hour online course on smoking and education for group health, and an 8-hour face-to-face workshop on the educational methodology for the quit smoking sessions (3h), motivational interview (3h), and group management (2h). At the end of the training, the professionals should be competent to carry out at their work centers (Primary Health Care Teams) a workshop (4 hours), and a course including four sessions (4x2 hours) on giving up the habit. The educational quit sessions included techniques such as presentation, classroom research, analysis, and development of skills. The training activity was evaluated using qualitative techniques and satisfaction surveys. Results: The Project was carried out in 2018. Forty-three nurses from 16 Primary Health Care (PHC) teams were invited to participate in the Project. Fourteen teams (42 nurses) agreed to participate and do the training. Thirty-eight nurses have completed the training programme (90.5%). The participants have valued very positively what they learned in the GRUPALTAB-SEAPREMUR training course and its applicability in professional clinical practice. 92.8% of the PHC teams and 78.6% of the trained nurses carried out the smoking cessation sessions. There have been 12 workshops and 14 quit smoking courses. Conclusions: Project and training have had extremely good acceptance among nursing professionals. Establishing a common basic training programme that equates the training of professionals promotes the project’s implementation. The transfer of knowledge has been positive. This study has been financed by the Foundation for Health Training and Research (FFIS17/CE/01/26). Murcia. Spain.    Biography: Adelaida Lozano Polo (RN, MSN, PhD) works as a public health technical expert at the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia. She is an associate professor at the University of Murcia in the Department of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine. She is a member of the Murcia Society of Family and Community Nursing (SEAPREMUR), coordinator of the Tobacco Addiction Group of the Federation of Family and Community Nursing Associations (FAECAP), member of the Cannabis Tobacco Evidence Project Management Group (EVICT) and Vice Chair of the National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT) of Spain. Currently, her lines of research and work are related to the Promotion of Health, Health Education and the Control of Tobacco Consumption.   Speaker Publications: Olano Espinosa E, Lozano Polo A, Grifell Guàrdia G, Pinet Ogué MC, Isorna Folgar I, Moreno Arnedillo JJ en nombre del grupo de trabajo del Proyecto ÉVICT 1. ¿Por qué y cómo tener en cuenta al cannabis en nuestros pacientes fumadores?. Atención Primaria. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.aprim.2018.05.014   Lozano-Polo A., Árense Gonzalo JJ, Herrera-Gutiérrez E., Giménez Navarro A. Profile of the tobacco and cannabis consumer students of the university of the Murcia. Tob. Prev. Cessation. 2018;4(Supplement):A11.   Sánchez Monfort J, Lozano Polo A. Ayudando al grupo a dejar de fumar. Ed: Sociedad Murciana de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Murcia; 2018   Lozano Polo, Adelaida. Estudio sobre el tabaquismo en el alumnado de ciencias sociosanitarias de la Universidad de Murcia: actitudes, consumo de tabaco y exposición al humo ambiental de tabaco. (Tesis doctoral) Universidad de Murcia; 2015. 340p

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