Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of Capparis decidua : An Overview.

Review Article

Pradeep Singh, Garima Mishra,


Since ancient times, plants have been an exemplary source of medicine. Ayurveda and other Indian literature mention the use of plants in treatment of various human ailments. India has about 45 000 plant species and among them, several thousands have been claimed to possess medicinal properties. Research conducted in last few decades on plants mentioned in ancient literature or used traditionally for various disorders. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review on the Phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Capparis decidua. Capparis decidua, climbing, thorny shrub, densely branched, spinous shrub or tree, up to 6 meters in height, is widely used in traditional medicinal system of India, has been reported to possess carminative, tonic, emmenagogue, aphrodisiac, alexipharmic; improves the appetite, antirheumatic, lumbago, hiccough, cough and asthma. It is known as a rich source of alkaloids, phenols, sterols and glycosides. The innumerable medicinal properties and therapeutic uses of Capparis decidua as well as its phytochemical investigations prove its importance as a valuable medicinal plant.

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