Trace Elements in Type2 Diabetes Mellitus

Research Article

Zubaidah Falih Mezaal AL Zuabi


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is related with variations in metabolism of zinc(Zn), copper(Cu), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe). The objective of the current study was to evaluate serum level of some trace elements in patient with type 2diabetes mellitus in a relation to their gender, age, duration of diabetes and glycemic status. Fifty type 2 diabetics and 30 clearly healthy age and sex matched control subjects were chosen for this study. Serum Zn and Mn levels were significantly decreased(p<0.05); while Fe and Cu were significantly increase(p<0.05) in type 2 diabetes patient as compare to control group. Gender, age and duration of diabetes had no a statistical significant association with trace elements concentration except Cu shows a statistically significant increase with age. Zn, Cu and Fe significantly influenced by glycemic status except Mn. Conclusion: The alteration of trace elements in type 2DM probably responsible for various metabolic disturbances, oxidative stress and other complications related with type2 DM.

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