Short Article
Sushant Sud
India has a handful of poison centers to compensate for about 1.37 billion population of India. Therefore, a lot of under-reporting of poisoning cases occurs due to limited resources. The concept of Toxicovigilance encompasses the active detection, validathencehenceion and follow-up of clinical adverse events related to toxic exposures in human beings. Toxicovigilance is genuinely medical and not only a statistical approach to human toxicity issues. In contrast to epidemiology, toxicovigilance is based on the in-depth medical assessment of acute or chronic intoxications on a personal basis, which needs elaborate data Toxicovigilance is that the active method of distinguishing and evaluating the harmful risks existing in a community, and evaluating the measures taken to cut back or eliminate them. Through toxicovigilance; not just there is scope for Ayurveda to search out answers for toxicity problems, besides there is in depth scope for screening and regulation Ayurvedic formulations containing toxic medicine of herbal/metal/mineral origin. Although the technical term 'toxicovigilance' doesn't feature in Ayurvedic texts, it is essentially highlighted in Agada Tantra. In fact, study of harmful medicine and ADR watching is an essential side of the toxicological section. it is the necessity of the hour to utilize the Ayurvedic restraint of toxicology to explore the challenges that Ayurveda Science is facing these days with regards to the drug safety and efficaciousness. a complete study of all potential disclosure related to Ayurvedic medicaments, risk assessment, prevention and management may be the first footstep during this explicit direction. At this time, the watchfulness of toxic medicine is to be done by considering the rules on raw drug assortment, pharmaceutical process, indications, contraindications, dosage, and antidotes (prativisha) as mentioned in Ayurvedic treatises. Thus, knowledge of toxicovigilance may be effectively applied in monitoring drug safety in Ayurveda