To studies organochlorine insecticides in different brands of cold drinks

P. K. Pankaj1, Prasann Kumar2*


The present endeavour entitled To studies organochlorine insecticides in different brands in cold drinks in different brands in cold drinks was carried out for the fulfilment of aforesaid with nine different brands of samples viz. Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Thums up, Mirinda, Fanta, Sprite, Limka, Coca-Cola and Slice were collected. The total 28 samples including all nine different brands were processed, extracted and clean up by using multi- residues technique, finally the insecticidal residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons and were determined through Gas Liquid Chromatograph (GLC). The result obtained are-Total HCH-100% samples of cold drink of different brands were found contaminated with HCH residues. In maximum samples γ-isomers (Lindane) were detected. The concentration was found below its MRL value (3μg/L). Residues of DDT including pp-DDT, op-DDT, pp-DDE, OP-DDE and pp- DDE were found in 50% of the total samples of different brands of cold drink. pp-DDT and op-DDT were main contaminant. The concentration was found within their safe limit (1μg/L). Residues of dicofol, endosulfan and Chloropyriphos were found in 48%, 60%and 46% of the total cold drink samples of different brands .

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