Short Communication
Henry Boger and Cleo Clency
In the light of all the medical research that is being pursued in our world today to find the answers to the ills, diseases, health problems, and accidents to which humankind is prone; it seems strange that very little time and funding is at hand to research how falls can be prevented. It is time we begin to find some answers. By working with a person’s gait and discovering what happens to the roll, pitch, and yaw as a person walks we can begin to develop skills to use in rehabilitation so that an individual can walk more safely; skills that can correct the roll, pitch and yaw when a deviation is found that causes difficulty when walking. What we see here in this paper is only the beginning. The first aim is to establish a standardized method for stability testing. A second aim is to determine a method of analysis of the recorded data. A series of tests were conducted for the benefit of residents of a retirement community. The long term goal is to aid in fall prevention. An inertial sensor was used to obtain real time data during the tests, and these data were recorded and saved for later evaluation.