The United Nations High-Level Meetings on the Fight Against Tuberculosis and Universal Health Coverage: a multi-stakeholder effort towards truly leaving noone behind

Franyuti Giorgio


While Tuberculosis (TB) has been a curable and preventable disease for more than 50 years, it remains as the world´s most deadly infectious disease, killing 1 million people a year, more than HIV/AIDS and Malaria together, while infecting around 10 million every year. The United Nations has convened a High-Level Meeting (HLM) to address this global threat and make world leaders commit through a political declaration (PD) towards ending the TB epidemic in 2030 and it being reinforced in the most important HLM of all time, the HLM on Universal Health Coverage having more than 190 countries commit to its PD. Among its key asks and commitments, both PDs urge member states to include relevant stakeholders into the development, surveillance and implementation of policies towards ending TB, varying from the private sector, the academia, regulators and civil society and empowering this last one as being a key resource into achieving integral solutions to complex local or national issues. We hereby present a case study of Medical IMPACT achieving to bring all stakeholders together to facilitate humanitarian medical assistance in extremely marginalized communities in Mexico through intersectorial multi-stakeholder collaboration through innovative funding mechanisms for the vulnerable mayan populations of Yucatán and Quintana Roo. Biography: Giorgio Franyuti is currently the Executive Director Medical IMPACT, focal point of the Regional TB Caucus and the Coalition of the Americas against TB. He has actively participated with the UN and multilateral agencies in the fight against tuberculosis, advocating towards ending the epidemic in multiple countries and has directed several field interventions on the field under extreme marginalization and difficult access providing humanitarian medical assistance to key vulnerable populations. Recent Publications: 1. Acinetobacter baumannii Resistance: A Real Challenge for Clinicians, Antibiotics  Volume 9  Issue 4  10.3390/antibiotics9040205. 2. Ebola’s Fatal Hemorrhagic Fever from Discovery to Vaccine, J Trop Dis, an open access journal, Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000267

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