Research Article
Syukra Alhamda
Background: The Gap between the labor productivity of developed and developing countries so differently. Indonesia has a number of output gap ratio of labor productivity in 2010 was 65.7 % compared to 75.2 % of China's . In the province of West Sumatra, the ratio of labor productivity in different types of health workers and health-care institutions in 2010, an average only 53.2 %. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between training, compensation, employment promotion with labor productivity employees in Public Health Centre of Bukittinggi–West Sumatera. Method: The research design used in this study is descriptive and analytical with a cross-sectional study, the study population all either government employees at Public Health Centre or Honorary civil servants who are still active and the samples were taken in total sampling. The independent variables in this study are training, compensation, employee promotion, and the dependent variable is labor productivity. The research instrument used in this research is questionaire to determine the relationship between training, compensation and employment promotion with labor productivity employees in Public Health Centre of Bukittinggi–West Sumatera and the data analysis is bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square test and the degree of confidence (CI) 95% (a = 0.05). Result: The result of this study found the number of employees who agree with a good training increase work capacity by 21 (67.7%), employees who claimed compensation received has fulfilled expectations by 17 (54.8%), employees who agree with the importance of employee promotion as many as 22 (71%) and employees who have a good labor productivity by 24 (77%). This research is also get there is a significant association between the employment promotion with labor productivity. This test is also obtained from the OR value of 12,500 which means that respondents who expect and receive employee promotions have the opportunity to produce good labor productivity as much as 12.5 times that of the respondents who do not expect and get a employee promotion. Conclutions: From this study it can be concluded that the information has a strong influence on the labor productivity. Employess who have a hope of getting a better employment promotion opportunities result in labor productivity have 12 time better than employess who do not expect a promotion. Advisable for policy makers to better organize the employment promotion mechanism to make it more equitable, proportional to the achievements that have been granted an employee.