The Relation between Thermodynamics and the Information Theories: The Introduction of the Term Enmorphy

Dimitrios Samios*


This study aims to present the relation of thermodynamics to the information theories. Thermodynamically, material systems are considered to be understood in terms of Matter, Energy and Entropy. We discuss the significance of the work and the others who contributed for the development of the thermodynamics. In parallel to this fact, the evolution of information theories begins with the mathematization of information. However, Stonier discussed in terms of Matter and Information, considering order to be the inverse of disorder, Or=1/D. Going ahead with the information theories we introduced the term of Enmorphy. We present the concept of Matter-Information– Enmorphy as a system parallel to Matter- Energy-Entropy. The new concept includes the terms: Matter, Information, related to structure, organization and dynamics and the term Enmorphy related to disorder or to the Entropy.

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