The reasoning strategies used by mathematics teachers to promote students' thinking for the essential grades in Jordan: A mixed-methods study

Full Length Research Paper

Sumailah A. Sabbagh and Amjad


Reasoning in mathematics is the ability to understand mathematical concepts logically in order to form a judgment. The purpose of this study was to identify the reasoning strategies used by mathematics teachers at the elementary and middle stages in Jordan. To this aim, a mixed-methods study was conducted. A group of 12 teachers were observed during their teaching experience. Every class observation was observed against the common teachers' Reasoning Strategies Level Indicators. Qualitative data were analyzed using a content-analytical approach. The results revealed that the teachers do not commonly use reasoning strategies to promote students' thinking for both elementary and secondary schools in Jordan. Furthermore, the results revealed no significant difference in the common strategies used by the teachers in relation to grades, teachers' gender, and strategies levels. This study recommends organizing tailored training for mathematics teachers to equip them with the skills needed to implement reasoning strategies in-class and improve students’ thinking. The study also urges mathematics teachers to be more aware of their role from being a carrier of information to being a supervisor and facilitator of the process of teaching towards more students’ engagement in reasoning and thinking. Finally, replicating the current study with different stages is recommended.

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