The protective effects of ginger on the development of coronary atherosclerosis: An experimental animal study.

Research Article

Hojjat Rouhi-Boroujeni1, Mojga


The use of ginger extracts has been recently suggested to be effective for prevention of establishing and development of coronary atherosclerosis due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. In the present study, the effect of standardized ginger extract on the development of experimentally induced atherosclerosis in animal models was investigated. The study protocol was consist of three groups of male rabbits (n = 5 each group) that were randomly divided to three groups to fed a common stock diet (containing bran and fresh vegetables) plus high cholesterol pack, or stock diet plus ginger (0.1 g/kg body weight/day) (group II) together with cholesterol, or only stock diet as the atheroma control for 75 days. Atheroma was graded macroscopically by mean graticule count percent. The degree of experimental cholesterol atherosclerosis was graded on an arbitrary scale of 0 to 4, and serum level of total cholesterol was also measured. The atherosclerotic lesion area was macroscopically smaller in rabbits that consumed ginger in comparison with the lesion area in those animals no received ginger extract (43.26 ± 8.7 mm2 versus 82.3 ± 7.9 mm2, p<0.001). Microscopically, the mean grading in coronary artery of rabbits received high cholesterol diet without ginger was 3.1±0.56, while in the group received high cholesterol diet plus ginger was 1.6±0.85 with a significant difference. Regarding effects of ginger on total cholesterol level and considering nonsignificant cholesterol level at baseline, the level of cholesterol after 75 days reached 66.72±0.12 mg/dL in the control group, 776±40.55 mg/dL in group fed high cholesterol without ginger, and 446±23.97 mg/dL in the group fed ginger with a significant level in high cholesterol plus ginger group than in high cholesterol alone group (p<0.001). Ginger can effectively protect the development of atherosclerosis manifested by lowering serum cholesterol level, as well as reducing infarct size and grade.

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