The Primary Cause in the Oncological Research Process

Dmitrieva Elena Germanovna


At the moment is the means capable not easier to treat, but also to cure a cancer. These are herbs. Treatment methods - herbal medicine, an aromatherapy, hormonal therapy (a phytoestrogen and phytoprogestin), psychotherapy, psychology methods (destiny and character correction), pharmacogenetic therapy. Now there are methods of primary preventive maintenance and secondary preventive maintenance of a cancer. Everyone needs to select the method of treatment depending on primacy cause in the oncological process (the personalised therapy). The author of article also applies combination therapy to cancer treatment in heavy cases - chemotherapy and herbal medicine. Efficiency of individual therapy is estimated to 98% in comparison with the methods-standards legalised in official medicine. For resistance preventive maintenance to treatment weak bodies from a birth are in addition defined, with their account the algorithm of treatment is under construction. The main thing is to strengthen weak bodies then there is no resistance to treatment.

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