The Newborn, is it really? An end to the CVDs, or the Human race? The way we are going unless “Health for All Through Wisdom and Action,” now or never!

Suresh Vatsyayann MBBS, F


The Problem: In 30 years from now (deducting from the history over the last 51 years of my medical education and practice) it can easily be expected that there would be at least one death in each family in the world in a year due to the complications of one or the other non-communicable diseases. This will see the annihilation of our species with rarely any  human alive on earth within the next 10-20 years. The cardiovascular disease will be the major player in this saga not by its own doing but as a result of the gastrointestinal system (GIT) and the preprocessing of food that we do making our GIT go against us, or get redundant, lazy, dissatisfied, misused, or abused. What had to happen in a million year, happened in over a few hundred years, worst happened in my 51 years of medical study and practice.

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