The Link between Early Biomarker Analysis and the Neurological Outcome in Stroke Patients

De Waele S and Hachimi-Idri


Stroke patients have an uncertain prognosis. It has been postulated that biomarkers’ concentrations upon admission could be linked to the neurological outcome. This meta-analysis reviewed the literature and collected data for 65 biomarkers. To increase power of evidence, only biomarkers who were: • Significant in the meta-analysis, • Reported by two or more studies conducted by different authors, • Displaying more than 300 patients and • Displaying less or equal to 60% heterogeneity were retained. Eight biomarkers were found to be relevant; TNFα, white blood cell count, non-fasting glucose, GPT, D-dimer, fT3, cortisol and MRproANP. These except for GPT and fT3 show the same trend: a low concentration at admission is linked to a good outcome. For GPT and fT3 the reverse was observed; a low concentration in the acute phase was linked to an adverse outcome. Early biomarker analysis would help the physician to determine the extent of the neurological deficit in stroke patients. This can guide them to implement new treatment strategies such as intensive rehabilitation or a more aggressive treatment.

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