The Illiterate of the 21st century: Are you prepared for the future, or will you lose your job? A discuss about IA, Automation and Education.

Jefferson Ribeiro


On Future Shock (1970) Alvin Toffler said: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”. Homo sapiens (wise man in Latin) would have appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago. From 1760 to 1860, we had the first industrial revolution here in England, in the fabric industries. The second stage took place from 1860 to 1900 but has already involved countries such as Germany, France, Russia and Italy. Some historians have regarded the technological advances of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as the third stage of the Industrial Revolution. The computer, the fax, the genetic engineering, the cell phone would be some of the innovations of this era. Today we are living the fourth stage of this revolution, with Automation and Artificial Intelligence. According to studies from the University of Oxford, in the next 25-30 years, the unemployment rate in the United Kingdom could reach 35%, in the USA 47%, in Brazil approximately 57% and in intensely industrialised countries like China (77%) and Ethiopia (85%), the number is higher. Stopping Automation and Artificial Intelligence is not a viable option, as it generates savings for organisations and, consequently, more wealth for countries. We cannot stop our society from evolving, but what is the real cost of Automation and Artificial Intelligence for humanity? Are we prepared for the future? We have two certainties: the first is that we don’t know what kind the jobs of the future will be, 65% of our children will work on jobs there isn’t yet. The second is that with Automation and Artificial Intelligence, we will have more time to be human again, skills like originality and social intelligence are difficult features to automate. How we can prepare us for the future? Enabled the life-long learning, a changing world of work means that learning new skills will need to be a continual part of each employee’s lives.  Which skills I need to improve? Pearson published The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030, in collaboration with Nesta and Oxford Martin. By combining a wider understanding  of the trends that impact the future of work with expert human judgment and machine learning, a clearer understanding emerged of the skills more likely to be future-proof skills. The World Economic Forum given us the report with the 10 Skills you’ll need to survive the rise of automation. We need to change how we’re learning and how the teachers are teaching. Technology and education are the keys to help us to improve these new skills for the future and keep our society in economic life-balance.

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