The Holomorphic Process-Understanding The Holographic Nature Of Reality As A Metamorphic Process

Research Article

Theodore J St. John


The holographic principle, derived from black hole mathematics in cosmology, is gaining interest as a theory of reality, but it is missing the part that explains how the information gets from the surface of a black hole to every quantum particle in the universe. The purpose of this paper is to present a current research project that is attempting to answer that question. The approach presented here is to treat space and time as two equivalent yet perceptively different aspects of motion. This is an approach that reframes the problem by changing the fundamental interpretation of space and time, which have historically been treated as two fundamentally different entities, somehow mixed to form space time. This new approach allows the use of temporal frequency (the inverse of time), and spatial frequency (the inverse of space) to be superimposed on a space-time-motion diagram, which helps to visualize the relationship between the inverse (frequency or quantum) domain and linear (relativistic) domain. The result is a composite model that eliminates the need for a black-hole concept. Instead, it portrays the two aspects of motion as two coherent “rays” of energy projected outward into the linear space-time domain (future) from every point in the universe and immediately reflected (into the past within a Planck second) back to the quantum domain, which is phase-shifted due to the very same motion, forming a perceptible surface at the event reference. This approach does not theorize anything new in terms of unfathomable dimensions, undiscovered particles, extra-particulate forces, or the like. It only requires a different perspective of what we already know, one that does not require knowledge of any specialized mathematical language beyond undergraduate-level physics and engineering.

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