The GEM unification theory using a Feynman-Hawking path integral approach and the Higgs boson: Did dimensional collapse trigger the Big Bang?

Original Article

John E.Brandenburg


The GEM unification theory builds on the GEMS (Gravity EM Strong) Theory. to unify all four force fields of nature: Gravity, EM, Strong, and Weak using Feynman Path integral formalism. The model is rudimentary, and can be called a “Bohr Model” of unification. It is basically found that Gravity and the other forces can be understood as quantum electrodynamics. In particular the proton emerges as a fundamental particle despite being composed of quarks and is the principle interaction vertex of the Higgs boson, which is seen here as direct consequence of a hidden 5th dimension, where the Higgs mass is due to 5th dimensional compactification. A particle mass formula based on Feynman Path Integrals including paths across the hidden 5th dimension gives the proton and electron masses to high accuracy and finds the charged bosons responsible for the short range nuclear forces. The masses calculated for the particles are as follows: the charged pion m = 2 me / 140.0 MeV and W boson: mw =2 mp = 80.4 GeV. The c meson m =2985 GeV is identified with the 5th dimension compactification force mediated by the Radion field. The Higgs boson associated with this mass inducing field is the most general EM+Radion scattering quanta off the hidden dimension size with a mass mp/á  127.7 GeV. This results in a structural resonance Higgs = rp where Higgs is the Compton radius of the Higgs boson and Higgs =c/mHiggsc2 the rp electro-dynamic length of the proton rp=e2/mpc2. A path integral calculation for the neutron mass assuming a second-order Higgs interaction yields the mass mn  mp(1+1/(á(4)254)) =mp(1.00138847). Collapse and compactification of a 5th dimension is argued as the triggering event for the Big Bang with the Higgs acting as a short range scalar graviton. The Higgs field is also identified with the Radion scalar field of Klauza-Klien theory. Also, a derivation of the Wyler fine structure constant formula á-1 = (10/3)(325/15)3/4 =137.036 using Planckian physics is also shown.

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