The factors affecting growth and survival rate of juveniles in culture of Astacidae family freshwater crayfish



Freshwater crayfish species, Astacus astacus (Europe), Astacus leptodactylus (Turkey, Europe) and Pasifastacus leniusculus(North America and Europea) are species with high commercial price that belong to the family Astacidea. Astacid culture is mainly based on semi-extensive systems in which stage II juveniles are stocked in natural earth ponds or in artifical ponds. Stocking into natural waters of produced juveniles in crayfish farming plays a significant role in the active protection of native species. The purpose of this review is development of the possibilities for crayfish farming by investigating most important factors affecting on survival rate and growth of juveniles in crayfish farming (cannibalism, stocking density, the number of shelters, nutrition, water temperature and photoperiod).

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