The enigma of Max Planck's Equation that measures the spectral energy of the blackbody

Luiz Carlos de Almeida


   The Max Planck's Equation that determines the Energy Density emitted by the Blackbody (Spectral Energy in relation to the Kelvin Temperature) is deciphered from the discovery of the physical and mathematical meaning of the Wilhelm Wien Equation, for the determination of the length of wave of the electromagnetic radiation, emitted by the Blackbody in relation to the temperature in Kelvin. In this study it will be mathematically demonstrated that every Kelvin added to the Blackbody Temperature there will be a specific amount of frequency increase to the Radiation emitted. This specific amount of frequency increase multiplied by the Planck's Constant determines the amount of Kinetic Energy that increases with the addition of a Kelvin to the Blackbody Temperature. This specific amount of Kinetic Energy represents what is called the quantum of Energy in relation to the Temperature at Kelvin. At a specific temperature (Minimum Temperature Limit) the Black Body will emit a Minimum amount of Energy). This Minimum Kinetic Energy is an integral part of the Planck Equation and from this observation it is possible to decipher the Planck Equation as well as to establish new paradigms in relation to the Physical meaning of Planck's Equation. The mathematically determined Minimum Limit Temperature is equal to the Vacuum Temperature as well as the Temperature of the Cosmic Background Radiation. The Kinetic Energy emitted by the Black Body at this Temperature is equal to the Boltzmann's Constant and from these physical and mathematical discoveries it is possible to understand the physical and mathematical meaning of the Max Planck Equation which measures the Spectral Energy of the Blackbody, as well as, many other secrets contained in the equation. From this discovery it is possible to establish what is the Vacuum, its constitution and its characteristics. From this determination can be realized that many laws that govern the Universe have direct relation with the Electromagnetic Radiations. In this context one can determine what relationship exists between the Force of Gravity and Electromagnetism as well as one can unify the two phenomena. Thus, one can demonstrate mathematically and physically that Gravity is a phenomenon produced by Electromagnetic Radiations that form the Vacuum. The lecture, which I propose to present, will contain definitive and unambiguous mathematical and physical evidence in the demonstration of the themes presented. It will also be possible to show the great repercussions in relation to Theories in relation to the Universe, such as the supposed expansion of the Universe produced by a great initial explosion. In the Study of the Hubble's Constant will be proven that the red shift does not occur because of the Universe Expansion but because of loss of Kinetic Energy of Electromagnetic Radiation and this loss of Kinetic Energy makes the majority of the radiations emitted by the stars arrive us with Minimum Kinetic Energy (Kinetic Energy equal  the Boltzmann's Constant). The supposed Universe Expansion is due to the incorrect interpretation of the Hubble Law in relation to the "Apparent Velocity" proposed by Edwin Hubble that has come to be considered, by Current Theory, as being product of the recession of the source of emission. In this way, it will be proven that the Inflationary Force of Cosmology is a consequence of the misinterpretation of the deviation to red, one of the pillars of the Big Bang Theory. Too, It will be demonstrated that the Vacuum is formed by Electromagnetic Radiations with Minimum Limit Kinetic Energy and what was detected in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson was this Electromagnetic Radiation that form of the Vacuum (Dark Energy, Energy of the Zero Point or Energy of the Vacuum) and not the supposed Cosmic Background Radiation from the supposed initial explosion that would have formed the Universe (The so-called Cosmic Background Radiation would be the other pillar of the Big Bang Theory). It will be shown that in deciphering Max Planck's Equation, paradigms can be changed, not only in relation to the understanding of the Universe, but also in relation to the Atom, since it will be, possible to modify Theories that could not be appreciated, using the discoveries when deciphering the Max Planck’s Equation.

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