Review Article
Abdyl Sinani, Majlinda Sana, E
The purpose of this study is to study the state of rehology features of douhg with different content of α-amylases which affect in determination of baking products quality. Dough that are very strong, from experiments conducted, do not allow the development of pores and have high density, form of bread with small volume, while dough that are poor can not keep the bubbles, cause large pores in bread and its decline. To improve the quality of baking products are made grinding and harmonization of flours according to quality and value of their rehology. The role of disulfide bonds in the dough rehology control is of utmost importance. If disulfide bonds are reduced by chemical agents, or the quality of flours, we will see a dramatic reduction in the strength of dough that is re-oxidation restore or strengthen it. Adding oxidizing and reducing agents, and their mode of action, affect the exchange of disulfide bonds, and it have great effect. From the survey data is concluded that the use of α-amylase is necessary in flour production by grain without spruge, with a decrease amylasic activity. In this study there is not addition of α-amylase, but is exploiting the high content of α- amylase in wheat F1-984 Macedonian. Their harmonization based on the content of α-amylase and quantified for each cultivar, and the specified radius show that improve quality of bakery products without additional α-amylase.