The curative role of Acalypha fruticosa Forrssk. (Sirucinni uppu) salt on peptic ulcer patients

Research Article

Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, A.


The use of one ethnopharmacological preparation, the herbal salt, for the treatment of certain diseases is an age old format in Sidha system of medicine in Tamil Nadu, India. The present study was to elucidate the clinical efficacy of the herbal salt of Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. (Sirucinni uppu) to treat peptic ulcers in human subjects. Herbal salt of Acalypha fruticosa (Sirucinni Uppu) was prepared by burning the shade dried plants. The ash was collected, dissolved in distilled water and administered to peptic ulcer patients 130 mg to 500 mg B.D. with honey before diet. The results were tabulated to prove the efficacy of the treatment. Clinically ‘Sirucinni uppu’ is proved as very effective medicine in treating ‘Gunmam’ (peptic ulcer) patients with 80 % good result 10 % fair and 10 % moderate result. ‘Sirucinni uppu’ is easy to prepare, less in cost effect and potent in antiulcer activity in treating ‘Gunmam’ (peptic ulcer) disease. It is suggested that this medicinal formulation should be used in clinical practice since the preparation was easy, cost effective and has 80% positive results.

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