Review Article
Kamile AKGÜL
By means of the attractive way of its presentation, globalization, as the story of fading originalities, has influenced societies and made all the losses invisible under its impact. Such an identification in opposition with originality essentially means the fading of a colorful mosaic, leading up to its consumption through the formation of a monotype among cultures. The cultural structure, deprived of alternatives, has been left on its own while witnessing the devastation of its original content, and thus drifting into a deadlock. Arguing against globalization from this perspective, having contributed to the disappearing uniqueness of cultural and artistic data as the products of intellectual adventures from the past to the present, enables the continuity of originality. The present study deals with the problematic of assimilation involved in the cultural and artistic practices which have been brought together by the international organizations in the context of globalization. This issue has been interpreted as a problematic which results from the increasingly weakening cultural structures, constituting the reason for originality among societies, under the shadow of globalization, and from the consumption of cultural priorities through the elimination of differences; also, a number of proposals have been included to reach any possible solution.