Research Article
Harlina Harlina, Andi Gusti Ta
One of the natural materials that need to be evaluated as the natural anti-bacterial in the pond is Asterales leaves (Chromolaena odorata L.). Asterales leaves contain quite high flavonoid which is important in disease prevention of tiger shrimp cultivation. This study aims to evaluate the addition of Asterales leaf flour on the feed towards the growth, survival rate, FCR and usage potential for disease prevention of shrimp cultivation. The study was designed using treatments given artificial feed containing Asterales leaves at an optimum dose of 15 g/kg of feed and control (feed without the provision of Asterales leaves). Test animals used were PL-20 fry with an average weight of 0.02 + 0.02 g/head. The study used 4 ponds measuring 0.4 ha (2 plots) and 0.5 ha (2 plots) with a stocking density of 10 heads/m2 so that each 40,000 heads were 0.4 ha ponds and 50,000 hectares for ponds 0,5 ha. Three ponds were used for treatment (A1, A2, A3) and 1 plot (0.5 ha) was used for control (Pond B). Feeding the test was carried out 2 times/day by 50% of biomass/day at the beginning of stocking and decreased to 2% of biomass/day in the last week. The results showed that shrimp given test feed containing Asterales leaf flour (A1, A2 and A3) in the 120 days of the rearing period obtained an average weight of 24.33-24.61 g/head, survival rate> 70%, average production of 746.32-942.37 kg/pond, and FCR of 1.69-1.75. Meanwhile, control (B) was not obtained growth due to mass death at 32 days of the rearing period. Based on the results of the feasibility analysis of the cultivation business, the value of R/C Ratio >1 is obtained so that cultivation using feed containing Asterales leaf flour is feasible to be developed.