The Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation at Destruction of Structural Materials

Borisov VD


The processes occurring in the structural material under load, leading to the formation of electromagnetic radiation, are briefly considered. It is shown that there is a relationship between the duration of the anterior front of the electromagnetic radiation pulse and the length of the crack responsible for the formation of this pulse. The task of the analysis of electromagnetic radiation signals is to establish quantitative relations between the parameters of the signal and the parameters of the crack responsible for the formation of this signal. The development of the method of spectral–temporal analysis in this application is briefly described. The application of the fractal analysis method for qualitative estimation of the fracture surface size is considered, as well as the relations are introduced: frequency of the spectral component–characteristic size of the crack (length), amplitude of the spectral component – the number of cracks. On the basis of the model, which combines the principles of both linear and nonlinear mathematical physics, the transition to the quantitative evaluation of crack parameters by electromagnetic radiation signals is performed. The phenomenon called "High-Frequency Trace", the main property of which is inversely proportional, almost linear dependence of the number of cracks on their size, was found. Some parts of these dependencies have logarithmic scale invariance.

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