Research Article
Kutty COJ
If the Simple fractions of 1 such as 0→¼→½→¾→ till the marking of 1 give a one value, the Mixed fractions of 1 such as 1→1¼→1½→1¾→till the fullness of 1 further give the Other 1 value, where then totally there are two 1s. From the added value of the two values of these two 1s, here Digit 2 originates. Similar to the Digit Other 1, Digit 2 is having only the Mixed fractions such as 2→2¼→2½→2¾→ till the fullness of 2 and similarly Digit 3 is having only the Mixed fractions such as 3→3¼→3½→3¾→till the fullness of 3, and so on with the same stage of the Mixed fractions till Digit 9. This is because there are no Simple fractions for 2 or 3 or for any further digits till Digit 9.