Teaching activity-based taxicab geometry

Full Length Research Paper

Tuba ADA


This study aimed on the process of teaching taxicab geometry, a non-Euclidean geometry that is easy to understand and similar to Euclidean geometry with its axiomatic structure. In this regard, several teaching activities were designed such as measuring taxicab distance, defining a taxicab circle, finding a geometric locus in taxicab geometry, and real life problems. These activities were carried out for five weeks after introducing students to taxicab geometry. A total of 40 pre-service teachers participated in the study. However the findings included the sample answers that demonstrated the overall situation among the students who solved the problems accurately, provided half of the correct answers, and made logical errors. The study used the teaching experiment model. The study data were obtained from the activities carried out with students. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. The study found that the participants’ interest was aroused by being introduced to a new geometry and to a different interpretation of familiar mathematical concepts with taxicab geometry. The participants also recognized the importance of the taxi distance between two points in defining a taxi circle, discovering , and finding a geometric location. Finally, the participants learnt these concepts once more in Euclidean geometry and had the chance to realize their weaknesses and to improve them.

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