Synthesis, characterization and structure activity relationship analysis of Nacetyl- 2-substituted phenyl thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acids derivatives as neuraminidase inhibitors

Dawood S. Abid, Nezar L. Shiha


Thiazolidines were easily obtained in yields of 63-95% from the condensation of L-Cysteine and alkoxybenzaldehyde under slightly conditions. This condensation afforded product as a mixture of diastereomers, Cis-(2R,4R) and Trans-(2S,2R), which could not be separated. An equilibrium resulting from epimerization at C(2) occurs between two isomers. The Cis/Trans ratios were strongly dependent on the nature of the solvent. QSAR techniques increase the probability of success and reduce time and coast in drug discovery process. The study presented QSAR investigation on 6 bioactive arylthiazolidines that have activity Urease inhibition. Molecular descriptors, logP, HOMO, polarization, molecular weight and Hydration energy were calculated. Initial geometry optimizations were carried out with the AM1 Hamiltonian. Several models for the predication of biological activity have been drawn up by using the multiple regression technique. Seven models with r2 ranges from 0.68-0.98 were predicted. A model with penta - parametric linear equation with r2 value of 0.98 was used to predict the biological activities, the agreement between the observed and the predicted values was up to 98%. All the target compounds (25 compounds ) were tested for their ability to Neuraminidase inhibition. Preliminary result showed that some of the compounds displayed enhanced inhibitory activities (IC50=64.10 – 11.76 μM) compared to the Oseltamivir .

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