Survey the effect of various anticoagulants on plasma biochemistry 1 parameters of sheep in compared with serum sample

Research Article

Amir Zakian1,2*, Meysam Tehran


The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate the effects of various anticoagulants on the results of biochemical 15 parameters in Sangsari sheep. One hundred and ten healthy sheep of Sangsari Breed in traditional herds of 16 Garmsar City, Semnan Province, Iran were used in this study. Twenty milliliters of blood were taken from each 17 sheep and divided into tubes containing various types of anticoagulants and plain tube for serum harvesting. Sample 18 transferred to laboratory then centrifuged at 1500 RPM for 15 min. no hemolysis was detected in analyzed samples. 19 The concentration of glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, creatinin, total protein, albumin, calcium, total bilirubin, 20 inorganic phosphorus, the activity of aspartate aminotransferase, magnesium and urea were measured by 21 commercial kits with Using the automated chemistry analyzer. Nonparametric Wilcoxon pair test was performed to 22 compare the differences between serum and plasma. At the end it was found that all of parameters except albumin 23 were significantly decreased in citrated plasma than serum. Glucose, triglyceride, albumin, urea, creatinin, total 24 protein, calcium, magnesium and AST level were significantly lower in EDTA contained samples rather than serum 25 samples. Bilirubin and albumin level were increased significantly in heparin contained samples while urea level was 26 decreased significantly rather than serum samples. In order to correct the dilution effects of sodium citrate 27 anticoagulant, dilution correction index was calculated. After DCI calculation, albumin level was increased 28 significantly in citrated plasma rather than serum samples. recent study showed that serum is preferred for 29 determination of clinical biochemical profiles of sheep, but in emergency cases heparin can be used. 30 31

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