Surveillance for clinical pathogens from swab samples collected from different hospitals

Research Article

Nidhi Singh, MD Ibrahim, N Sha


The study was based on surveying the occurrence of clinical pathogens in two public health care centers in Vellore. 27 Samples were collected from different areas and were inoculated into nutrient broth immediately and brought to the laboratory for incubation. After successful incubation (24 h) samples were streaked on to nutrient agar plates, which upon incubation showed growth but in order to get isolated pure colonies they were serially diluted, followed by sub culturing on nutrient agar plates which upon further incubation was sub-cultured on nutrient agar slants and on differential media. Various biochemical tests like catalase, oxidase, MRVP, etc. were also performed for the identification of the organisms isolated from public health care sectors. Our main objective was to check different types of pathogens which could be possibly present in a hospital and their resistance towards several different antimicrobials, by conducting antimicrobial susceptibility test. The work was also aimed at determining increased resistance and to identify multi-resistant forms of various pathogens by 16S rRNA sequence method, which is becoming an increased threat to mankind acquired during hospital visits.

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