Research Article
Joshua D Hypse*
Methamphetamine abuse has created a continuous wave of destruction and disparity throughout communities as its widespread usage increases on a momentary basis. With such proliferated abuse comes an invasion of poverty, crime, addiction, prostitution, venereal diseases and death; many of which occur by suicide. Whether its overdose, self-inflicted wounds or mere tragedy, death seems to be synonymous with methamphetamine abuse. Although somewhat limited, the previous research on methamphetamine has primarily focused on the physiological, neurological and social aspects of abuse. Furthermore, despite methamphetamine’s growing popularity, researchers have failed to develop a clear understanding of the inherent differences between users who inject versus noninjectors. Therefore, this study chose to explore the differences in suicide attempts between methamphetamine users who inject versus non-injecting users, while also examining additional demographic variables. The results of this study suggest intravenous methamphetamine use and suicide are strongly related; however, they have a peculiar relationship in the sense that intravenous users, who attempted suicide, were likely to make their first suicide attempt prior to their initial injection.