Study of Immune - Endocrine Interference Following A State of Post- Traumatic Stress in Road Accident Victims

Research Article

Amina. Djouini , Abdelmadjid.


Exploration of the variation of the neuroendocrine and the immunity systems in men victims’ of a road accident. The experiment was performed at the Ibn-Roshd’s CHU Emergency Unity of Annaba (Algeria). It has been spread over a period of 24 months(2011-2013) because it was so difficult to keep a control group over the Annabian population the victim’s accident were divided in two groups : not real danger (victim1 group), and suffered physical trauma (victim2 group). Our control group was voluntary which they didn’t suffer of any traumatism or have road accident during the five years ago. we have measured the plasma cortisol, testosterone and immunoglobuline levels. The blood sample’s were token few hours after accident. The traumatism results in lower plasma cortisol levels in victim2 group(P≤0.0001)than in the control and the victim1 groups too. For the testosterone levels, there was no difference between control and the second group. But the levels decreased in the third group. Changes in plasma hormones concentrations can be allowed as to suggest that the victim2 group (P≤0.0001), is the one who has developed the physical characteristics of PDST. Whereas, there was a very significant difference (P≤0.001) in the IgG levels of the two victims group compared to the control one. These data demonstrate that the traffic accident changes in hormones secretion. The high immunosuppression seems to be explained by an overactive HPA system. The response of any patient in front of a traumatism is depending on the nature and intensity (physical assault, natural disaster, accident). When the stress is involved, we know that there is a disturbance of the various neuroendocrine and metabolic systems. We propose that the patient must have more medical attention especially to be better support psychological.

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