Study of ameliorating properties of Tinospora cordifolia on Diabetes and acute Pancreatitis in Alloxan treated Rats

Research Article

Kumud Ranjan Thakur, S. R. Pad


Diabetes and acute pancreatitis are major health concern globally. India has been growing as a diabetic capital of the world. Diabetes and acute pancreatitis were induced by administration of Alloxan intraperitoneally 150mg/kg.b.wt in to Wistarnorvegicus. Diabetes induction was confirmed by blood glucose concentration above 400mg/dl. The desired plant Tinospora cordifolia (250mg/kg.b.wt) stem extract showed significant remedial action by lowering blood glucose to normal (87mg/dl) and restoring Pancreatic enzymeslipase to (1.74IU/L) and amylase to (583.1IU/L). These results were further authenticated by remodeling of pancreatic histoarchitecture which showed increase in no. Islet of Langerhans, acinar cells, decreased vacuolar space, sinusoidal space and atrophy.

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