Study Biometrique and Length–Weight Relationships in Sea-Bream Sparus Aurata (Sparidae) of the Two Gulfs, Skikda and Annaba (Northern is Algeria)

Faiza Oudjane, Naziha Bourenan


This study is devoted to the biometrics of growth in the royal sea-bream Sparus aurata (L, 1758), Sparidae of the two gulfs of Annaba and Skikda of (the Algerian North-East). Measurements are taken from April 2013 at May 2014, out of 149 specimens, lengths ranging between 17 cm and 48 cm, and of weight ranging between 65 g and 1440 g. Différents aspects are approached with biometrics and with the relation Length (L) – weight (W). The morphological study shows that the metric characters considered do not grow all in the isometric way compared to the overall length or cephalic. Cases of raising or undervaluing allometry are highlighted. The number of branchiospines on the level of the first left arc branchial is the numerical character which represents greatest dispersion. Generally the weight of S. aurata believes in a way proportional to its length, the mathematical expression of the relation length-weight is established monthly and overall for the total population. The results highlight a highly significant correlation between the overall length of fish and its weight.

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