Studies on biochemical analysis and antioxidant property in culinary fruit peels collected from Kannamagalam town of Vellore districts

Research Article

S. Aruna and Suneetha V.


Recently many studies have been oriented toward improving methods and efficiency of recovery from different fruit industry wastes. The investigation carried out were mainly aimed at evaluating antioxidant ,carbohydrates and fiber composition of air dried medicinally significant domestics fruit peels orange, lemon, pomegranate, papaya and banana and their extracts. In this study, biochemical, carbohydrate, anti oxidant, fiber and antimicrobial activity of different fruit peel extract were carried out. Among them pomegranate peel extract gives maximum antimicrobial activity and orange peel shows higher antioxidant property, lemon has higher fiber content compared to other fruit peel extracts. Mostly all the fruit peel contain carbohydrate content in higher level. Hence, fruit peels can be used as therapeutic and effective medicine as it shows higher antimicrobial and antioxidant properties in it. So, fruit peels can be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for better future in a eco-friendly manner.

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