Studies of anti-microbial activity using leaf extract of Cynodon dactylon

Research Article

Studies of anti-microbial acti


Cynodon dactylon (Leaf)is a type of grass that possesses great medicinal values. Moreover, medicinal plants are the important source of potentially useful structures for the development of novel antimicrobial agents. Historically, plants have provided a source of the development for novel drugs and plant derived drugs which have made large contributions to human health and well-being. Till now very few plants have been scientifically proved by different researchers for their medicinal potential but the therapeutic ability of number of plants are still unknown. In this study, take four different solvents (Chloroform, Acetone, Ethanol and water) in the order to enhance the polarity nature and finally with distilled water. These used to investigate the phytochemical constituents of the plant were used to extract the bioactive compounds from the leaf of Cynodon dactylon to screen the antibacterial activity against infectious disease causing bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli also known as E. coli) using Kirby–Bauer (KB-zone inhibition method). Antimicrobial study of ethanol and aqueous extracts showed antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogens. Antimicrobial activity showed due to presence of bioactive compounds .The zone of inhibition compare with ciprofloxacin with different conc.[0.25mg,0.5mg, of inhibition 0 mm(no see activity), 18.23 mm / ± 0.671, 23.10 / ± 0.743mm.] Ethanolic extraction conc. (0.5mg, 1mg. zone of inhibition 10.59 mm / ± 0.578, 11.33 mm / ± 0.570 ) , Aqueous extraction conc. ( 0.5mg, 1mg. zone of inhibition 6.84 mm / ± 0.485, 8.64 mm / ± 0.269 ).

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