Students Attitude towards Co-Education with Disabled People in Higher Education Institutions

Zulfiya Movkebayeva, Ainur Kab


Building efficient relationships with partners in student teams is one of the most important factors for integrating the students with disabilities to social environment of a higher educational institution. Attitudes of healthy students towards joint educational and training programs with disabled students play crucial role in achieving this goal. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate and analyze the attitudes of students of pedagogical universities and institutes towards joint training with people with disabilities. It describes basic prerequisites of personal relationship to disability ideas of healthy students about possible types of relationships with students with disabilities and their degree of readiness for the establishment of equal interpersonal relationships. According to the authors, the most important indicator of success of interpersonal relationships of healthy students with people with disabilities is a respectful and equal relationship, desire to work and cooperate with them. The results of experimental studies indicate varying degrees of tolerance of students depending on whether they have experience of joint training to people with disabilities. It was found out that for students who have experience of joint training with the disabled, social barriers and support segregation towards students with disabilities is typical to a lesser extent as well as compassion and desire to help and to much more extent-equitable and tolerant attitude, pursuit for cooperation and partnership.

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