Structure elucidation of Maksiterone-A from methanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia and used as antidepressant agent

Arun Kumar


Tinospora cordifoliais an annual or perennial Ayurvedic plant which is used in several traditional medicines to cure various diseases. Common names are Amrita, Guduchi, Shindilakodi(Tamil)and Gulancha. Makisterone-A is exctracted from the stem of Tinospora cordifolia by Soxhlet by repeated washing with predistilled methanol (organic solvent) under reflux. TLC and Column Chromatography techniques are used to isolate and purify Makisterone- A and its structure elucidated by Infra-red and NMR spectroscopy techniques. Makisterone –A was found to be very effective in reducing the depressant potential.

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