Standardization of Sunth Powder Prepared Using Rhizomes of Zingiber officinales

Research Article

Pawar HA, Choudhary PD, Gav


Ginger consists of the fresh or dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinale (Family: Zingiberacae). The dried rhizome powder of ginger is known as Sunth or Soonth. There are no standards available to determine the purity of the sunth powder which is sold in the local market. The objective of the present study was to evaluate Sunth powder (Dry ginger rhizome powder) and set standards to decide its purity. Pharmacognostic standardization was carried out to determine its microscopical characters, and also some of its quantitative standards. Microscopical studies were done by using the trinocular microscope. Total ash, water-soluble ash, acid-insoluble ash, alcohol and water-soluble extractive values were determined using the standard procedures. A preliminary phytochemical screening was also done to detect the different phytoconstituents present in sunth powder. Phytochemical analysis of the sunth powder was done and the presence of Gingerol was confirmed by using TLC techniques. These findings might be useful to supplement information with regard to its identification parameters, which are assumed significant in the way of acceptability of herbal drugs, in the present scenario, which lacks regulatory laws to control the quality of herbal drugs.

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