Standardization of Suitable Vermiculture technology for the Remediation of Alcohol Based Distillery Effluent Polluted Agricultural Soil

Research Article

Perumalswamy. M, Manley Backya


Untreated effluent from the alcohol based distillery factory contaminates a vast agricultural land near Chittoor town Andhra Pradesh. Since distillery effluents are known to contain organic and plant nutrients. It can be used for agriculture and aquaculture after proper treatment. In the present study, an effort has been made on the remediation of distillery polluted agricultural soil collected from Rajiv Gandhi Nagar town, which involved culture of two earthworm species Lampito mauritti (endemic) and Eudrilus euginiae(exotic)and with additional base organic substrates such as cow dung+vegetable refuse + Green leaves (Org.Sub-1) pressmud (Org.sub-2)based on the vermicompost analysis a suitable vermiculture has been standardized for the remediation of distillery effluent polluted agricultural soil.

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