Standardization of drying and extraction techniques for better colchicine recovery from Gloriosa superb

Research Article

Vikram Kumar, Gaurav Gupta and


Gloriosa superba is a very important medicinal plant that is used for the treatment of diseases like Gout, arthritis, cancer and act as anthelmintic, antimitotic and antiabortive agent. Its tuber is a great source of Colchicine for the pharmaceutical industries and requires drying before extraction. The accelerated artificial drying technique using Microwave Vacuum oven was evaluated with other methods using different extraction & purification for Colchicine by performing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). It was observed that the recovery of Colchicine from extracts prepared by Soxhlet method were greater than that of Sonicator likewise, colchicine content in extract of Microwave Vacuum Dried Tuber was greater as compared to the Hot Air Oven Dried Tuber. This study is useful for Pharmaceutical industries for extracting colchicine using accelerated drying techniques like microwave vacuum oven economically and in less time consuming manner.

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